pisces overview

symbol: fish

date range: feb 19 - mar 20

element: water

modality: mutable

ruling planet: neptune

compatibility: cancer - scorpio

house: twelve

tarot card: the moon

color: light green

Pisces (♓︎) Latin for "fishes", is the twelfth and final astrological sign in the zodiac. It is a negative, mutable sign. It spans 330° to 360° of celestial longitude. Under the tropical zodiac, the sun transits this area between February 19 and March 20.[a] In classical interpretations, the symbol of the fish is derived from the ichthyocentaurs, who aided Aphrodite when she was born from the sea.[4]

pisces in friendships

Pisces like you make great friends! You are easygoing, sensitive, and always willing to help when your friends need you. You're the person your friends call when they need a shoulder to cry on. Although many Pisces are introverted, you do like social gatherings. However, you'd prefer a small gathering of close friends to a raucous party with dozens of acquaintances.

Pisces are loyal, but their ultimate loyalty is to themselves. They will only give people in their lives so many chances, and they will not sacrifice their health and well-being for that of someone else. A Pisces makes their terms clear, and will always be who they are in a friendship situation. This can be maddening—for example, a Pisces won't play nice and head to a restaurant for another friend's birthday dinner if she hates that restaurant or feels like she's been wronged there—but remember: It's not personal.

A Pisces is well-liked, well-cultured, and brings a unique perspective to every interaction. Pisces likes people and likes gatherings, but may sometimes feel exhausted by large gatherings. One on one gatherings or intimate groups—even if the conversations get intense—are preferable to Pisces. A Pisces honors childhood friendships, and even if they feel they've grown apart from their earlier friends, will still find ways to keep in touch—as long as that friend doesn't try to make them abandon their principles.

pisces in love & romance

It'd be hard to have a dramatic relationship with a Pisces. Their calm nature creates an energy of peace between you two, which means you will spend far more time loving on your Pisces partner than you will at odds with them. When you're around your favorite Pisces, things just feel right.

Pisces partners can be hard to pin down; it's in their nature to move about freely. Because they have a hard time focusing on or sticking to one place, pattern, thought, etc., it can be hard for you, while dating a Pisces, to create any meaningful substance in the relationship. You may find them to be too unreliable or too wishy-washy to be with long-term.

Pisces, when you're in a relationship, your number-one piece of advice will also be the hardest: Keep it REAL! Your mind knows no bounds, so it's easy for you to fall into unrealistic thought patterns about your partner or your relationship.

You are a giver, and there is no limit to what you will do for others -- but this could backfire on you. While your intentions are loving and noble, some lovers will take advantage of your kindness and generosity, and you'll realize too late that you're being used.