scorpio overview
symbol: scorpion
date range: oct 23 - nov 21
element: water
modality: fixed
ruling planet: mars - pluto
compatibility: cancer - pisces
house: eight
tarot card: The death
color: deep red
Scorpio (♏︎) Latin for "scorpion", is the eighth astrological sign in the zodiac, originating from the constellation of Scorpius. It spans 210–240° ecliptic longitude. Under the tropical zodiac (most commonly used in Western astrology), the Sun transits this sign on average from October 23 to November 21. Depending on which zodiac system one uses, someone born under the influence of Scorpio may be called a Scorpio or a Scorpionic.
scorpio in friendships
Scorpios are extremely loyal and devoted friends.
While many of you are secretive and have trouble opening up, you can do so with a few select friends who will be your friends for life! As a Scorpio, it's important to remember to overcome your jealousy -- it's okay for your friends to have other friends. And even though it may not feel like it at times, it's okay to share your innermost thoughts, because real friends will not be intimidated by your passion and intensity.
You never have to worry about where you stand with a Scorpio; they will let you know. But you will have to realize that a Scorpio won't BS you or lie to you—and they will absolutely let you know when you haven't lived up to your potential. A Scorpio can be a friend for life, and can make you laugh harder, think deeper, and have more fun than you ever thought possible. So don't be so sensitive and go along for the ride.
scorpio in love & romance
Flirtatious, seductive, and mysterious, Scorpio loves playing hard to get initially, and may look like they never take the lead. This isn't true, though. Scorpio can pull the strings, relying on body language and subconscious cues to make their potential partner do exactly what they want them to do. Scorpio loves the chase, and loves the drama and pageantry that comes with initial dates.
When you're in a deep relationship with a Scorpio, you don't have to worry so much about the emotional baggage from your past. Scorpio's tenacity and willingness to accept the dark with the light makes them great when handling crises.
When you're with a Scorpio, you may also feel like you are constantly explaining or defending yourself. Scorpios are extremely possessive and suspicious, and will often have questions about where you were, who you were with, and what you were doing, when you got home... And you better have an answer that's on the up-and-up, because if your Scorpio lover feels they've been wronged, they will seek revenge, and it won't be pretty...
The inclination to see mystery/ problem even where it doesn’t exist makes them suspicious and preoccupied. Scorpio is fiercely protective of his own self, and of his loved ones, and always sceptical about others and their motifs. Any hurt is not easily forgiven and forgotten by a Scorpio-born, but with a sense of vengeance, Scorpio tries to get even with their accusers. Resilience is a noteworthy quality in a Scorpio.